Survey on FPGA Architecture and Recent Applications

Vellore Institiute of Technology, Vellore, India

Field Programmable Gate Array or FPGA is introduced in the year 1985 and it is getting popular day by day due to its properties like design to reuse and flexibility. As compared to microprocessor, FPGA have high performance and configurability. When compared with application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), FPGA reduces development time, non-recurrent engineering (NRE) costs. The unique property which differ it from ASIC is its reconfiguration. The recent trends in FPGA architecture are in the direction which reduces the gap between the ASIC and FPGA. This paper will discuss on the classification of FPGA based on their routing architecture and the recent trends in the field of Physics, computation, defense, space research, etc., which are focusing on betterment of the existing technology.

Engineering, Other

High Performance Computing


This training is for engineers who have never designed an FPGA before. You will learn about the basic benefits of designing with FPGAs and how to create a simple FPGA design using the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.

Engineering, Other

High Performance Computing


This tutorial is organized in 5 parts and is designed to walk you through all the key aspects of the Vitis flow.

Engineering, Other

High Performance Computing


This tutorial goes through the Vitis HLS tool GUI to build, analyze, and optimize a hardware kernel.

Engineering, Other

High Performance Computing
